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Appointment times are hidden 10 hours before a class, group or one-on-one. If you need to book day of please contact us at BreastfeedingCenter@hh-bc.com or call 650-347-6455.

1 hour 30 minutes @ $70.00
Designed to build confidence in new parents as they begin their breastfeeding journey with their newborn. Helps new moms and their partners learn the secrets to successful breastfeeding. Topics include: the first feeding, skin to skin, signs that baby is getting enough milk, baby behaviors, feeding cues, proper positioning and latch, feeding frequency and duration, what to expect during the first few weeks, bottle feeding and how to express and store milk. You may bring 1 support person.

Kim has 20+ years experience as an RN working with families in Labor & Delivery, NICU, Postpartum, Lactation services, outpatient Women's Health, Pediatrics, Primary Care, and a Pediatric ENT clinic. She is passionate about supporting families with the transition to parenthood and helping chest/breastfeeding families with lactation support. She breastfed her daughters for 2 years, has helped numerous friends/family and hundreds of families with breastfeeding through the years.

Maggie is an experienced health professional and is a working mom of two. She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), received her bachelors from the University of Cincinnati, and is a Certified Lactation Educator through the University of California at San Diego. She is a board member of The Bay Area Lactation Associates and is passionate about building better community support. She excels in supporting families of all types through the ups and downs of the early years.